FCS3 Pressure Plate

Replacement pressure plate, used in the FCS3 chamber to provide uniform pressure across the optical cavity.


SKU 21-060319-3-16 Category

As depicted below #2, the pressure plate for the FCS3 is a replacement part for the FCS3 Chamber.

FCS3 Exploded View
  1. FCS3 Top
  2. FCS3 Pressure Plate
    Designed to assure parallel uniform closure, eliminate leaks, & broken coverslips
  3. 40mm coverslip
    Surface where your cells are grown
  4. Singular lower gasket
    This gasket can have any internal geometry you desire
    Standard thicknesses from .1mm to 1mm
    Allows you to define the volume and flow characteristics of the chamber
  5. Microaqueduct Slide
    An optical surface which integrates perfusion and temperature control
    High-volume laminar flow
    Koehler Illumination
    Electronically conductive coating for temperature control
  6. Upper Gasket
    Provides a seal between the FCS3 base and Microaqueduct slide
  7. Perfusion Tubes (14 gauge) (CO2 Perfusion Drawing)
  8. FCS3 base
    Temperature controlled
    Dovetail to lock into stage adapter for stability
    No tools required for assembly