We are here to simplify the complex world of micro-environmental control. If you have any questions contact us so we can help.
Bioptechs ICD Latch
Bioptechs ICD Latch, this latch places downward pressure on an special insert for a customer using the ICD system.
Objective Heatsink Demonstration
This demonstration will show you what will happen when you use an unheated fluid coupled lens with a heated culture dish. At the point of contact you will lose five to seven degrees of temperature loss direct to your specimen. The film used to demonstrate the temperature loss is liquid crystal film which only is green in color at 37 degrees Celsius.
Tutorial on how to clean your camera and microscope lens tube
A self help tutorial on how to clean the window of your digital camera on the microscope if it becomes dirty. Also how to clean the microscope lens tube if it becomes dirty.
Bioptechs Decorative Collar Removal, Cooling Collar Install, and Objective Heater Install
Removal of the decorative collar from a Leica HCX PL APO 100x 1.40-0.70 Oil Immersion Objective to expose the brass surface of the objective where it is most efficient to remove heat from the objective or warm to the objective. Installation of the Bioptechs Cooling Collar onto objective to cool the objective below ambient temperatures. Installation and removal of the Bioptechs Medium Objective Heater onto objective to warm the objective.
Bioptechs FCS2 SBS Plate Installation
The installation of an SBS plate adapter on a Bioptechs FCS2 Chamber
Bioptechs Custom Worm Embryo Cooling System
Bioptechs Custom Cooling System for Worm Embryo’s. Cooling Adapter for
Bioptechs ICD (Interchangeable Coverslip Dish)
Bioptechs FCS3 Closed Chamber System
The FCS3 is a flow cell or flow chamber that is designed specifically for the demands of today’s live-cell imaging requirements for upright microscopes. It has limitless flow characteristics because it’s flow geometry can easily be customized by the user. It can provide low shear near laminar flow as well as high shear narrow directed flow and anything in between. The most important feature of the FCS3, other than unequalled temperature uniformity, is that there is a precise directed flow of media over the cells. Open dish type chambers do not provide the flow capabilities of the FCS3. The FCS3 provides an optical imaging cavity where the user can precisely define the optimum flow characteristics necessary for the experiment.
Bioptechs Culture Cylinders
Culture Cylinders are used to barricade cells or suspended specimens; or to restrict and concentrate the growth and location of cells plated on a coverslip. They are 5mm high and available in a variety of inside diameters including, 1mm, 2mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm and 22mm. Custom sizes and geometries are available. The cylinders are made of glass and are heavier than plastic cloning rings to eliminate floating. They are optically polished on the bottom surface to mate with and form a tight seal with other glass surfaces without grease such as coverslips and coverglass bottomed dishes. Culture Cylinders are autoclavable for reuse.
Bioptechs Objective Heating System
When live-cell imaging requires the use of high numeric aperture lenses, it is necessary to control the temperature of the objective as well. This problem exists because the optical coupling medium (oil, glycerin or water) acts as a thermal coupling medium and draws heat away from the specimen. The thermal mass of a fluid coupled objective is overwhelming when compared to the thermal mass of the cells. Unfortunately microscope manufacturers do not offer temperature controlled objectives; nor do they consider the need for thermal regulation in the design of their objectives. Bioptechs has developed and patented a product that solves this problem for the majority of immersion objectives.
Bioptechs Delta T Open Dish System
This system is designed to simulate host conditions on the stage of your microscope and provide an optimal optical environment for microscopy. This two-step system allows you to plate your cells and observe them without having to transfer them to another structure. Accessories for Tissue Slice, Brain Slice, and other specimens are available.
Bioptechs FCS2 System
The FCS2 is a flow cell or flow chamber that is designed specifically for the demands of today’s live-cell imaging requirements. It has limitless flow characteristics because its flow geometry can easily be customized by the user. It can provide low shear near laminar flow as well as high shear narrow directed flow and anything in between. The most important feature of the FCS2, other than unequalled temperature uniformity, is that there is a precise directed flow of media over the cells. Open dish type chambers do not provide the flow capabilities of the FCS2. The FCS2 provides an optical imaging cavity where the user can precisely define the optimum flow characteristics necessary for the experiment.